Skyrim VR... Day 21

There was a peasant out the front of the house, begging for someone to deal with the monster inside.

So I crouched down and opened the door.

I currently have 3 followers - the annoying dog, the annoying scholar, and the annoying Sofia. Well, I just sat in the shadows and let the three of them deal with the hagraven.

I'm not sure if any of them married her, but the peasant wandered in a second later, said 'thanks', sat down and started eating dinner.

I considered taking my fee from her strongbox, but given I hadn't actually done anything, I let her off the hook this time. I'm pretty sure peasants are supposed to pay their witchers, so maybe I'm setting a bad example by not insisting on a reward?

Anyway, we resumed wandering toward the next quest marker, which I thought was going to be a bandit cave, but it was only a bandit fort. So that was over almost as quickly as the hagraven, and we continued on to look for this missing journal.

It was night time and we were approaching a camp, so we went into stealth mode.

It's just as well we did, because although the camp was empty, there was a bear patrolling the area. And some skellingtons… nothing that a few arrows couldn't fix, and whoever abandoned the camp paid the hagraven fee.

The next part was a cave, and out the front was an 'adept necromancer' and I thought it a little odd that he wasn't agro and just gave me a weird silent glare when I tried to talk to him. So I shrugged and headed into the cave to see what awaited me.

It was a pleasant enough place, it was well lit, had a nice waterfall, some mineral nodes, private and defensible. I can see why the necromancers liked it.

Sadly, they had trashed the place. There was blood all over the floor, walking-corpses everywhere, not-walking-corpses everywhere, and not-walking-corpses-that-suddenly-started-walking-corpses everywhere.

So I made sure everything was not-walking again.

Eventually got to some kind of altar room at the heart of their base, and having cleared it of necromancers, got a jump scare by some kind of fire elemental that spawned in my face as I headed over to loot the once-again-not-walking-corpses.

Fire Elemental

It didn’t live long, but it sure gave me a helluva shock.

I grabbed the journal and everything worth looting (including some sneaky scrolls hidden on a bookshelf amongst rolls of blank paper), broke down some of the items at the enchanting station, and headed out.

Next waypoint was down the track a bit, an impressive looking castle on the top of a cliff. No doubt full of bandits. But before I got a chance to investigate, there was an almighty roar, and draggy mcdragonface came in for some burnination.

As I said before, I have 3 followers, and thus the dragon was not long for this world. I absorbed its soul and should have quit while I was ahead.

Bugged Armor

But I decided to climb the cliff (you can run up heckin’ steep terrain in this game - not sure if that’s normal or a glitch with VR) and headed into the castle. The part I entered was an oubliette and I couldn’t find any bandits to kill.

So I jumped down.

And the game crashed.

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