Skyrim VR... Day 15

Next sesh was largely a repeat of the bandit cave, this time WITH remembering to save.

It went the same as before, felt a good level of balance, and this time the assholes at the top didn’t brutally gank me.

I went deeper into the lair, cleared out the bandit leader, and a caged sabertooth. I mean, I let it out of the cage and thought it’d be grateful, but I think it was just hungry.

So I pocketed a new sabertooth skin and headed up to the top of the waterfall to deal with those other archers I couldn’t reach earlier.

Sadly there was one masterwork chest in there I will have to come back to loot one day I can undo that level of lockpicking.

I went back to see the adventurer to tell her that the bandits were dealt with, and suddenly she was keen to abandon her hubby and come adventuring with me.

I had Janessa with me, and she was carrying a bunch of stuff I didn’t want to have to load onto a new follower, so I declined. I thought I’d head back to Whiterun, but just as I was leaving, there was a skirmish and a peddler got killed by some bandits.

So I looted the peddler and headed in the direction the bandits had run, and oh look… another abandoned castle full of bandits.

They whupped my ass in no time flat, but it was daytime and nowhere to hide, so I guess that was to be expected.

I decided that verticality would be my friend, and climbed up the scenery and dropped down onto the top of their castle where nobody was stationed, and proceeded to rain my entire inventory of arrows on their heads.

After that bloodbath, I went around using the gravity gloves to pick up all the arrows on the ground, plus looted all the corpses then headed inside the castle.

We had a bit of save scumming at the start of the castle, the dudes with 2 handed swords and armor are the rock to my scissors playstyle.

When I finally sorted out those guys, I found a peasant hiding in a storeroom. He said he’d snuck past the guards looking for his wife, but was scared, so I agreed to go look for her.

I found a dead woman on the first level, but she looked more of a nun-type, than a married woman, so I continued on up. There were a few fights as I headed up the castle, until I got to the top.

And then the bandit leader talked to me.

Well that was a red flag, obviously she was the missing wife, so I told her about her hubby and she said something about how she didn’t hate the man, just liked being a bandit more, and to give him her wedding ring and send him on his way.

So I shot her point blank in the face with an arrow, burned her to death. She deserved it, sending her underlings out murdering peddlers and kidnapping innocent nuns.

I went to tell her husband that the bandits had murdered his wife, and here - look at the ring I found.

He was understandably heartbroken, and let me keep the ring because he couldn’t bear the thought of giving it to another.

I bade him farewell. It seemed like a good time to return to Whiterun and sell some stuff.

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