I bumped into a redguard woman called Saadia in Whiterun. She pulled a knife on me and accused me of being in league with some men that were trying to kidnap her. I told her I knew of no such men, and offered to help rid the realm of said ruffians.
She pointed me in the direction of the jail… apparently one of these men had been arrested by the city watch, and perhaps I could get some information out of him.
So I wandered up to the keep and ole jarleyboy pulled me aside and asked me to deal with a giant that was causing trouble on the roads nearby. I told him no worries (although having been yeeted by a giant in a past life, I was worrying a little), then headed down to interrogate the prisoner.
He was one of those noble “you can torture me all you want but I’ll never tell” types, his price was his freedom to try to atone to his master for getting captured.
I bribed the guard, paid the man’s release papers, and he told me where to find his master. I thanked him and the guard, then wandered off, while my keen elf ears overheard a conversation between him and the guard.
It sounded like he might be spending a few more days in prison before the guard bothered filling out the paperwork.
We spent the night at the Breezehome then headed out to deal with the giant problem, since it was on the way to the hideout anyway.
My aim is getting better(ish), and I peppered giant number 1 with two headshots and he went down. Giant number 2 was a bit further away so my arrows weren’t as precise. Stll, he crashed to the ground at my feet not having a chance to whack me, though it was a close call. I looted their toes and nearby chest while mulling over the situation… it felt a bit like scope creep, I was sent to kill one giant, but he had a buddy. I bet the Jarl wasn’t going to pay me double.
Anyway, onward to the hideout to deal with Saadia’s little problem. There was a bandit standing guard at the entrance who didn’t see us coming until he was already dead, then we headed in.
It was a fairly straightforward one-two-kill-a-few-99-100.
Then we came through a waterfall and were surrounded by this bounty hunter and his friends. He told me that Saadia was a treasonous criminal and needed to be extradited to face trial, and that if I help him he’d cut me in on the bounty.
I mulled it over for a minute, but I’m just not that kinda girl.
I gotta say, getting rushed by a large group of men with curved swords had me panicking a bit, but each of his underlings were a 1-arrow kill, so the fight didn’t go too badly.
I looted them all then headed back to Whiterun to give Saadia the good news. She paid me more money than I had expected from a barmaid-in-distress, maybe she was what the bounty hunters said. Oh well, as a qualified judge, jury and executioner, I had ruled to set her free and executionered all those bounty hunters.
Headed up to tell the Jarl his giant problem was dealt with. He didn’t pay me double.
Then I made some potions and tried to craft some armor, but I couldn’t work out how to get a good enchant on it. Like, it didn’t matter if I used a lesser gem or greater gem, it was only going to give me 5%... seemed a bit wasteful to use a large gem on a small enchant, so I parked it for now.
The quest markers are starting to dwindle around Whiterun, and I had received a letter from the jarl of Falkreath… so I think I’ll head there next and see what he would like me to do.