So I wasn’t entirely wrong about the cave. I don’t think they were your everyday run of the mill bandit outfit, they called themselves the Silver Hand and were considerably more proficient in their ways.
Many many deaths proficient.
Peppered between waves of bandits, were waves of draugr, until I sussed out that they were actually just having a bit of a snooze, and you could point-blank stealth-arrow to the face and they would go to sleep forever.
So I started doing that.
Now by this stage, my companion was limping along slowly like he was seriously injured and no matter what healing spell I cast he didn’t seem to get any better.
I’m still not too sure if my healing actually helps my party members or not, I’ve spent some points in the healing tree that says it should be helping ally’s but I haven’t really seen any evidence of that as yet.
So anyway, Sofia and I fought our way deeper and deeper into the dungeon while the companion followed us slowly, like the hare and the tortoise, but without any nap for him to catch up.
Eventually we came to an area where we had to open a passageway but instead got ourselves trapped in a room and our almost dead companion got ganked by a dozen or so Silver Hand.
And turned into a fucking monster.
Half man, half wolf, hairy as hell, claws like sabres, teeth like a great white shark. It was a shitshow.
He let us out and I got straight to looting the corpses.
Then I was like, “What the actual fuck man. When were you going to tell me you were a werewolf. I don’t want a bar of that shit, you ain’t biting me. I like me the way I am, thank you very much.”
So he said not to worry and only companions of a certain bloodline are able to channel the beast.
I wasn’t convinced, but I let it slide for now… they seem generally honourable, but I’m not sure I’m gonna sleep in their barracks anymore. I don’t trust ‘em.
We journeyed even further into the crypt, and this was where the many deaths happened… there was a bridge type thing over a chamber, and every time we went over it, we got spotted and pulled the entire dungeon.
I tried a bunch of different things, trying magic, trying melee, taking the torch off Sofia. Nothing really helped.
In the end, I told her to wait and snuck off alone and was able to kill a few baddies, then went back to fetch her and this time when the shit went south a bunch of draugr woke up and had a fight with the Silver Hands who were coming for me.
They weakened the attacking force enough that we were able to deal with the rest and then loot corpses from both sides.
Finally we got to the heart of the dungeon, which looked suspiciously like a big boss fight room, as if the dungeon hadn’t already kicked my ass enough times as it was.
So I saved and went up to the big table at the top of the stairs where the fragment was sitting along with some new shout lettering on the wall.
Things happened about what you would expect.
I absorbed the shout, picked up the fragment, and all hell broke loose.
Luckily, the draugr are all blind and I was able to do the old cheesey arrow from the shadows trick and avoid dying.
So job done!
Take the fragment back to Whiterun and got my formal invitation to the werewolf club as a fledgling pup or somesuch nonsense. Goddamn furries.