Whiterun gave me a chance to improve my alchemy but making random potions and selling them, turn a bunch of pelts into leather, and offload a ton of stuff into the chest in my house.
I also took all the stuff off Janessa and told her to take some annual leave.
So FUS has a couple of mod-based followers, and I ran into one sleeping off a bender (who am I to judge) at the Whiterun Stables. Her name is Sofia, and she has a way with words.
I gave her all of Janessa’s gear and asked her to sing a song as we headed on down the road toward the next quest marker.
As I have come to expect from Skyrim, we didn’t make it to the quest marker before we found a distraction. This one was elephant-shaped, wooly, and rather large. It charged us as I fired arrows in a scene not too dissimilar to Legolas and the oliphant.
I was glad as it crashed to the ground at my feet, that it hadn’t had a chance to gore me with its gigantic tusks.
I skinned it and handed the heavy stuff off to Sofia, who said something inappropriate. So I asked her to sing another song and we headed back toward the quest marker.
We were waylaid by bandits in the next ruined castle we found along the road.
Or rather, instead of avoiding the castle, I snuck in using the shadows and then arrowed everyone in the face.
Sofia decided to stay outside the castle and not help at all… maybe she didn’t see me sneaking in, or maybe she got caught on the spiky defenses, or something, but she was not as helpful as Janessa.
After clearing the ramparts and courtyard, it was time to go into the building and deal with what’s inside.
We started with the prison area, and that was fine, then we loaded into the next zone and there was a puddle of oil and it seemed like a hundred bandits.
There was a LOT of groundhog day, it would be interesting to know if they had a death counter. It took most of the evening before I was finally able to take the fight.
Perhaps going thru via the jail wasn’t the best way to do the fight, perhaps if we had snuck in via the sewer or something we could have killed the bandits in several smaller groups instead of pulling the entire zone.
But in the end we prevailed, and ransacked the place.
Then headed on out into the morning.
There was a dragon overhead, and I fired a few arrows at it but it didn’t land. There were a couple more bandits that I apparently had missed, and by the time we dealt with them the dragon had flown off. I guess that’s a problem for another day.
I STILL hadn’t made the quest marker, so I focused on getting there this time.
It was a smallish cave with maybe 3 bandits and a dog, and oodles of mushrooms.
Picked all the mushrooms, dealt with the first bandit, the dog, and the second bandit without breaking a sweat.
Then the bandit leader gutted me and I was back at the cave entrance.
This happened twice before I caught him by surprise and finished the quest. And picked the mushrooms on the way OUT.