Skyrim VR... Day 1

So... last night I was trying to get Alternate Start working but it didn't and I ended up on the cart. So I thought, well, what's the worst that could happen?

First, I was floating about 2 meters above the cart instead of sitting down. There was also a bit of wobbly from being jostled about.

Second, arms are supposed to be bound, but they're free to move in VR. I guess that's forgivable.

Character generation was surprisingly okay.

Third, standing around waiting for the first dude's head to roll, the height is all wrong again.

Fourth, when teleported to the chopping block, the thing ragdolls like crazy, like you were a mouse being thrown about by a cat. A normal person would have vomited for sure.

When I finally got off the chopping block, I could move !!! (that's where it broke in UVRE). So I went into the tower and jumped onto the inn roof. I was like huh this is a little weird but sure whatever. Ran over the roof, got to the next scene with the dragon burninating and I have to follow some dude.

Follow dude. He walks thru a wall. I can't walk through the wall. Huh? Troubleshoot for a bit, give up and reload game. Back to step 3. Don't vomit on step 4. Go up the tower and notice that the inn is now actually destroyed.

Jumping down into the inn, not onto the inn, I can follow the dude, yay. Then the next part where he walked thru a wall - oh look, that wall has been destroyed, I can walk through too!

Follow dude. Maybe too slow? Dragon lands. Eats me. Game over.

Back to step 3. Don't vomit on step 4. Go up the tower, thru the inn, thru the wall that hasn't magically fixed itself, follow the dude closer, get to the keep. CTD. Fuck.

Load back into game. Back to step 3, don't vomit on step 4. Go up the tower, thru the inn, SAVE game at the wall that still hasn't fixed itself. Follow the dude closer, get to the keep, zone in no problem.

Fine. Whatever. SAVE game. Dude is nagging me to pick up a weapon and some decent armor but parts of the room are dark as hell. He won't shut up tho, so eventually I muddle around in the dark and loot what I need to and we get going.

Walk around the corner and... fall through floor. Fuckin' wot m8?

Load game. Get weapon and armor before dude nags me too much. SAVE game. Follow dude, don't fall thru floor. Kill some baddies. SAVE game.

Pick a lock. Loot some treasure. Follow dude, kill some more baddies.

It's dark as hell again, can't see where I'm going but fine, I'll follow the shadow, it's a dark cave and immersive right?

There's some more baddies. Deal with them, follow dude. Repeat, rinse.

Next set of baddies has some archers. Feel pretty slick about using my shield to catch an arrow! This is pretty immersive, must have been about 15 minutes since I picked that lock.

Feelin' pretty good, getting the hang of this. Got some inventory management issues, lemme just drop some of the dozen or so maces I picked up to sell later.

And turn the corner and CTD.

Well fuck, when was my last save?

I guess we'll find out next time I play. I suspect it's going to be when I picked that lock.

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